Worship Services
Our Sunday worship is in the main sanctuary at 9 AM. Holy Communion is served on the first Sunday of every month during worship. All are welcome to participate. You may also choose not to participate, sit back, enjoy the music and quietly reflect on what is important to you.
We enjoy and welcome children at worship. There is a children's time during the service where they are invited to come up to the chancel area to join the pastor and other children for a special Bible lesson and fun activities. They may then go to Church School at about 9:30 AM in the R.E. building. Children will have no problem finding their group and fitting in.
We invite you to coffee, refreshments and fellowship time at 10 AM in the parlor following worship service.
When entering our church, a greeter or usher will hand you a bulletin which will describe the order of worship for the day. You will be seated near a regular attendee who will be glad to help you with any questions. Please dress comfortably. We have no dress code.
While our worship services are generally traditional in nature, our various ministries and special celebrations provide variety and energy to our congregation. The message you will hear will be relevant to your daily life. It will contain sound Christian theology based upon the Bible. It will be interesting, enjoyable, intelligent, and understandable.
Handicapped parking is available. An access ramp is provided by the south side door.